Creamy Pork Rigatoni with Spinach and Cheddar Cheese

Pork Mince Cheddar Cheese Garlic Clove Mixed Herbs Chopped Tomatoes Red Wine Stock Brown Onion Baby Spinach Rigatoni Worcestershire Sauce
  • Bring a pot of water to boil. Add the Rigatoni and cook per the instructions on the packet. Dice the onion.

  • Turn a frying pan on high heat. Once hot add the Pork Mince and onion and cook for 6 minutes.

  • Crush the Garlic. Add the Garlic and Mixed Herbs and cook for 1 minute.

  • Add the Worcester Sauce and cook for 1 minute.

  • Add the Chopped Tomatoes, Red Wine Stock and 50ml of water. Simmer for 10 minutes.

  • Grate the Cheddar Cheese. Add the Baby Spinach to the sauce. Drain the pasta and combine it with the sauce. Mix well.

  • Split the Rigatoni and sauce into two bowls and top with grated Cheddar Cheese.